Privacy Policy

Application - Helena Discord Bot (ID: 928236463194255360)
Account Owner - Anyone who owns and uses a Helena subscription plan
Server Member - Anyone who is a member of server to which Application is used in.

Collected And Stored Discord Data
The following items may be collected and stored when intentionally provided by a user or admin (usually by means of a command). This data will not be collected automatically.
- Discord Guild ID
- Discord User IDs
- Discord Username
- Discord User Discriminator
- Discord Channel/Thread IDs

Collected And Stored Nitrado Data
These items will be automatically collected and stored if the Application has a authorized Nitrado token. This option is always opt-in, and thus this data will not be collected unless the Nitrado token is supplied and validated.
- Services list
- Service settings
- Service logs
- Service online players

Access to Data & User Rights
Access to all data is only permitted to Application developers, and only in the scope required for the development, testing, and implementation of features. Data is not sold, provided to, or shared with any third party, except where required by law or Terms of Service agreement.

Data Storage
Data is stored in a internal encrypted database. The database is secured to prevent external access, however no guarantee is provided and the Application developers assume no liability for the unintentional or malicious breach of data. In the event of an unauthorized data access, users will be notified through the support Discord Server.

Automatic Data Removal
All account data is removed from Helena’s Databases 28 days after subscription cancellation.

Requested Data Removal
At any time, you have the right to request to view the data pertaining to your Discord account or Subscription account. To do so you may submit a request through our support Discord Server, @C4#3173’s DMs or via Contact Us.

By adding Application to your server or using these bots or services in any way, you are consenting to the policies outlined in this document. In addition, you (the account owner) are agreeing to inform your members of the contents of this document. If you, the account owner, do not agree to this document, you may remove the Application from the server. If you, the server member, do not agree to this document, you may leave the server that contains the Application.

If you have any questions or have any concerns over Helena’s privacy policy please contact us here.