
Help & Configuration

  • Checks the bots latency

  • Shows a list of the bots commands

  • Used to activate/link your discord with your Helena subscription

  • The heart of Helena. Used for all configurations such as channels, roles, seasons, cluster name.

  • Used to control your servers from discord

Player Management

  • View total players online for the whole cluster and specific maps

  • Ban a player from the cluster for a specific time with a given reason.

  • Ban a tribe from the entire cluster, with a given time and reason.

  • Unban a player from the cluster

  • Directly ban or whitelist players on your Nitrado account. Useful for bypassing all of Helenas checking.

  • View all players who are banned, how long they are banned for and which admin banned them.

Admin Searches

  • Search someones discord profile to find their linked gamertag, tribe, whitelist and donations.

  • Search for a player name and receive gamertags and tribes associated with them

  • Search for a tribe across the whole cluster. Retrieves tribe players, stats and change log.

  • Search for a gamertags information. Shows playtimes, bans, movements, tribes and much more.

  • Search for a specific tribes tribe log. Useful for looking into a specific tribes actions.

Payment Commands

  • Confirm a payment from a user

  • Delete a payment from a user

  • Check the total payments received for the current season

Whitelist Management

  • Add whitelist tokens to a users account

  • Delete tokens from a users account

  • Use a token to whitelist a gamertag

  • Delete a whitelisted gamertag

  • Refresh all gamertags you have whitelisted in the past

  • Prevent whitelist commands from being used

Log Commands

  • Request to see the death and structure destroyed logs from users.

  • View all dupe character records from the current season

  • View a servers ingame logs

Misc Commands

  • Link a gamertag to discord account, needed for checking playtimes

  • View 14 different leaderboards including playtime, kills, structures destroyed, taming and more.

  • Move a channel to another category. Useful for when your server has alot of channels.